5 Signs You Should Visit a Marriage Counselor

Getting married is a wonderful occasion, and marriage can be a great adventure. As time passes, the people involved in the marriage can change and evolve. This can lead to issues, sometimes so impactful that it may involve the need to seek out a counselor. This is a perfectly normal occurrence. Marriage counseling can move … Read more

What is Child Play Therapy?

We’ve all seen our children play. They play with dolls, trucks, cars, and crafts. It can be fun to watch or even join in on their play. Many of us think that play is just play, but it is so much more than that. The way your child plays provides insight into how they interact with others, with their world, and even themselves.

What are the Benefits of Family Therapy

Every family is unique — nuclear families, single-parent families, blended families, and so much more. No matter what type of family you have, some challenges require outside help. Family therapy provides a safe space for family members to talk candidly about their feelings, thoughts, opinions, and struggles. Therapy allows each family member to express their … Read more