Who Does Lisa Rogers Provide Therapy for?
Therapy Topic Specialties:
Anxiety Therapy
Addiction Therapy
Depression Therapy
Trauma Therapy
Family Estrangement
Therapy for Creatives
Therapy for New Yorkers
Therapy for Expats
Lisa Rogers is fully licensed for secure, HIPAA-compliant virtual counseling (video or phone) in New York, New Jersey, Texas, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Vermont, and International (Japan, United Arab Emirates) on a case-by-case basis.
Full List of Treatment Topics
- Learning disabilities
- Social Skill deficits/Social skills training
- Behavioral issues with school
- Special education issues
- Emotional/Social delays
- Academic decline
- Children/Adolescents/Adults on the spectrum
- Oppositional defiant
Bullying - Parenting concerns/training related to clinical issues of concern.
- Separation Anxiety
- Peer/Academic and athletic pressures
- Depression (sadness, dysthymia, bipolar)
- Grief/loss/bereavement
- Anxiety (OCD, Phobiaa, GAD, Tics, Panic Attacks)
- Substance abuse/Addiction Methadone/Suboxone treatment (Medication Assisted-Treatment) *Counseling Only*
- Self Esteem issues
- Body image
- Psychiatric issues - Outpatient support for family and individual
- Abuse/Trauma
- Medical illness-related issues
- Military Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (Military Discount)***
- Mood Disorders
- Anger issues
- LGBTQ related issues
- Sexuality issues
- Major life change and crisis
- Eating disorders
- Adjustment disorders
- Divorce, family conflict, and relationship issues
- Tics motor/vocal
- Career decision-making
- Geriatric issues related to aging - Dementia/Cognitive decline/disorders/supportive counseling for individual and family
- Tourette's

Adult Therapy
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Marriage and Couples Therapy
Family Therapy
Social Skills Training and Groups
Dating on the Spectrum Groups
Substance Abuse/Dependency Groups
Therapy for Artists and Creatives
Therapy for Expats and Internationals
Adolescent Therapy
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Family Therapy
Social Skills Training and Groups
Dating on the Spectrum
Substance Abuse/Dependency Groups
Sandplay Therapy
Play Therapy
Telemental Heath
Therapy for Children
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Family Therapy
Social Skills Training and Groups
Sandplay Therapy
Play Therapy
Telemental Heath *age appropriate
More Information about Treatments Offered
Individual Adult Therapy
One on One sessions with therapist and patient. A safe and confidential space is provided so healing and change occur between therapist and patient. Self-awareness and understanding of the influence of the past on present behavior are explored.
The patient and therapist examine unresolved conflicts and symptoms that arise from past dysfunctional relationships and manifest themselves in the present.
My goal is to help patients become aware/conscious of and experience their feelings and thought processes and how this has led to maladaptive behavior. Work then is to devise and construct elements of change in patients thinking and behavior that can be implemented in the patient's life. In turn, patients can go on to live a more conscious, healthy, and vital life.
Play Therapy
Children express themselves through play.
Play therapy provides a safe environment for children to manage trauma and stress, learn effective coping strategies, and remove obstacles to their development, modify behavior, develop problem-solving skills and learn different ways of relating.
Parent/Child Therapy
Parents receive guidance in their play/ interactions with their child. Emphasis on fostering a parent-child relationship that promotes commutation, intimacy, and self-esteem.
Divorce Support Groups - Children and Adolescent
A Group environment designed to assist adolescents and children in managing the stress and turmoil often associated with separation/divorce of their parents.
Divorce Process Groups for Adults
Ongoing process groups for adults going through divorce and issues related to daily living associated before, during, and after the process of divorce.
Couples Counseling Groups and Individual Couples
Dating, married or engaged, counseling to enhance intimacy, learn conflict resolution, effective communication, and patterns of interaction.
Groups for Dating on the Spectrum - Adolescent/Adult
People with Autism covet intimacy. Exploration of obstacles faced in regards to dating, love, and romance. Also, navigation of the routines of daily living is addressed.
Process Groups for Children/ Adolescents
Conflicts with school, peers, family, dating, and academic concerns are addressed.
Process Groups for Adults
An on-going group that addresses the needs of patients related to conflicts of daily living.
Groups for Substance Abuse/Addiction
For adults dealing with substance abuse/addiction offered in separate groups for adults, and adolescents and for children dealing with addiction/substance abuse within the family system.
Social Skills Groups
Children, adolescents, and adults, with social skills deficits, even those stemming from ADHD, ASD, Asperger’s, or other unspecified causes are able to make tremendous progress. Because a social skills deficit is an ongoing challenge, that needs to be addressed repeatedly it is helpful to begin early and be consistent. Because a social skills deficit can stem from so many diverse causes careful selection is made in forming of each group. Factors taken into consideration are developmental level, gender, and age.
Group is focused on peer-to-peer interaction. Designed to help children, adolescents, and adults who are struggling with peer interaction. Goals include increasing competence in reading nonverbal signals of others, thinking about the perspective of others when interacting with peers, and giving and taking feedback from others. Establishing impulse control, anger regulation, gaining perspective on self, discovering peer expectations, developing conversation skills, practicing anxiety management, engaging in peer reaction, planning to bully, and navigating the rules and routines of school/work (in case of an adult group), family, and community.
The Benefit of Group Therapy with Children, Adolescents, and Adults
As an adjunct or by itself group therapy helps members work to express their own problems, ideas, feelings, and reactions freely and honestly. Playing, drawing, and pretending as well as talking are important ways of sharing feelings and problem resolution for children. Adolescents and adult groups rely primarily if not exclusively on verbal communication.
Sandplay Therapy
Sandplay is grounded in the psychology of C.G. Jung and was introduced by Swiss Jungian analyst Dora Kalff. Sandplay is hands-on psychological work. It is a powerful therapeutic technique that facilitates the psyche's natural capacity for healing. Sandplay is done adjunctively to talk therapy during the process of the therapeutic work. A scene is made from figurines and objects placed in a box of sand. Sandplay is a form of therapy that gives the child, adolescent, or adult, the opportunity to portray rather than verbalize feelings and experiences often inaccessible/difficult to express in words.
Integrated into treatment with children, adolescents, and adults. Used in Individual and Group therapy. Mindfulness catalyzes learning, growth, healing, and transformation of an individual's view and understanding of oneself. Mindfulness aids in the healing of a distorted sense of self, one's relation to others, events, and the external environment. Mindfulness aids in addressing maladaptive habits, trauma, medical conditions, and psychiatric disorders. Mindfulness aims to achieve stability of mind and awareness and aid in the cessation of maladaptive emotions and cognitions. Also seen as a method of systematic mental training for reducing suffering and developing self-awareness, self-regulation, and development of a positive relationship between self and others.
Telemental Health (Virtual Counseling)
Online therapy also known as Telemental Health or Virtual Counseling is psychological counseling and support that is provided over the internet through email, video conferencing, online chat, text messaging, or a phone call. Telemental Health is useful to individuals who cannot leave their home, who work unconventional hours, military/their families, as well as those overseas or who live in rural or remote areas.
*** This website is for information purposes only and does not constitute a therapeutic relationship.