Lisa Rogers Counseling offers licensed online therapy for residents of select states (NY, NJ, TX, CA, FL, GA, IL, VT). Therapy is available in international locations (Japan, United Arab Emirates) on case by case basis. Licensed in-person therapy available locally in New York City (Manhattan).
About Therapy with Lisa Rogers
Do you feel stuck in a cycle of dysfunction, anxiety, or depression? Are your relationships not as fulfilling as they once were? Does life feel out of balance?
Lisa Rogers's passion and purpose are helping individuals reconnect to their true selves and find hope and healing.
Lisa Rogers Counseling specializes in relationships, trauma, addiction, depression, and more. Lisa works with therapy patients in-person in New York City (Manhattan) as well as around the world via her secure virtual counseling platform.
Individuals, couples, families, and groups from a variety of contexts are welcome to contact Lisa Rogers. Virtual Therapy is a wonderful solution for relationships across state lines.
Lisa's patients come from a wide variety of backgrounds (technology, artists community, ex-pats living abroad) and many take advantage of the flexibility and convenience of online therapy.
In-Person Therapy Locations
Licensed Virtual Therapy Locations
Virtual Counseling (video or phone) is available in the following locations:
New York – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist#001034
New Jersey – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #37FI00197100
Texas – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #201088
Texas – Licensed Professional Counselor #19332
California – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #LMFT43013
Florida - Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #MT3903
Georgia - Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #MFT001927
Illinois – Licensed Professional Counselor #178.000647
Vermont – Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #100.0130890
International (Japan, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, etc.) on a case-by-case basis.
More About Lisa Rogers (M.A., L.P.C., L.M.F.T.)
Upon arriving in NYC a city full of vitality and culture Lisa has been providing a combination of all her years of training since 1993 tailoring specific treatments based on the individual needs and challenges of my patients; facilitating healing. Lisa makes every effort to accommodate the busy schedules of her patients by offering evening and Saturday appointments.
Lisa Roger's current therapy approach uses the latest methods including Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Individual, family, couples, marriage, and group therapy is now available in person in her Manhattan offices or online in selected states.
In addition to being a trained therapist in clinical issues such as depression and anxiety, Lisa has done extensive training in substance abuse, addiction, Methadone, and Suboxone Treatment (Medication Assisted-Treatment-Counseling Only) in the Hollywood community. She also has worked within the school systems in Los Angeles and Palm Springs with children and adolescents dealing with ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, Autism/on the spectrum/Asperger’s, and school behavior issues.
Lisa Rogers completed her undergraduate work at The University of Southern California, with a bachelor's degree in Psychology. Graduate work was done at Pepperdine University in Malibu California with a Master's in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Lisa Rogers has completed in-depth training in mindfulness, sandplay therapy, art therapy, play therapy, parent training, and social skills training that was done in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston in the school system, inpatient/outpatient treatment, and also in private practice. Having worked with patients with psychiatric illness in day treatment facilities / partial hospital programs/outpatient/private practice, in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston Texas.
Lisa also has completed extensive training working with geriatric patients and their families; who are suffering from long-term illness, terminal illness, and dementia/memory impairments in Chicago, Houston, Hollywood, and Los Angeles California in inpatient/outpatient/and private practice.

Licensure & Education
Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology, Emphasis Marriage, and Family Therapy
Pepperdine University, Malibu California
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
University of Southern California, Los Angeles California
New York – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #001034
New Jersey – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #37FI00197100
Texas – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #201088
Texas – Licensed Professional Counselor #19332
California – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #LMFT43013
Florida- Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #MT3903
Georgia- Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #MFT001927
Illinois – Licensed Professional Counselor #178.000647
Vermont – Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #100.0130890
Zur Institute – Certificate Program in Telemental Health and Digital Ethics
Zur Institute – Telemental Health Issues During COVID-19 Emergency Response
Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC – Telemental Health Counseling Essentials and Ethics Online- Certificate
PESI Institute – Certificate in Mindfulness & Meditation in Clinical Practice
PESI Institute - Certificate in Certified Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Give An Hour Foundation – Volunteer Therapist.
Professional Membership
Sandplay Therapists of America - Associate Member
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy - Clinical Fellow
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapy - Clinical Member
Houston Group Psychotherapy Society - Clinical Member