Licensed Counseling in New York

Lisa Rogers Counseling is licensed by the state of New York to provide the confidential therapy and mental health guidance you need to live a vital, conscious and healthy life.

Are you in need of licensed therapy in New York City or somewhere elsewhere in the state of New York? Lisa Rogers Counseling can help.

Therapy is available for individual, groups and family members in New York and select licensed states (NY, NJ, CA, FL, GA, IL and VT). Secure and licensed virtual counseling is now available for your convenience.

Wondering if virtual counseling is right for you? Read more about how virtual counseling has become the standard in providing accessible care and often results in better than average outcomes.

Learn more about Lisa Rogers here.

The goal is to help patients become aware/conscious of and experience their feelings and thought process and how this has led to maladaptive behavior. Work then is to devise and construct elements of change in patients thinking and behavior that can be implemented in the patients life. In turn, patients can go on to live a more conscious, healthy and vital life.

Lisa E. Rogers (MA, LPC, LMFT) offers therapy for Individuals, Families and Couples. Lisa is based in New York City and licensed for counseling in California, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Vermont and Japan/International by case basis. Contact Lisa Rogers.

Schedule a consultation with Lisa Rogers.

It is so important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with. Please contact me to schedule an initial free consultation to see if if therapy is the right option for you.